This Fall I will be offering Zoom Lessons online, In-Person at the VSO School of Music or a blend of the two (recommended).
1. Zoom Lessons
Monday evenings 4:30-8:30 and Saturday mornings 8-10
*may be able to fill in other times if neither of those suit you.
Email me with your preferred time and date.
2. In-Person at the VSO School
Tuesday evenings 4:00- close
Wednesdays evenings 4:00-close
*This may change as it depends on availability and how many students want to study there.
Email me and Hannah with your preferred time/date
3. Zoom and In-Person through the VSO School
If you would like to register for a mix of Zoom with the occasional in-person lesson you will want to book through the VSO School and we can talk about a schedule for that.
Email me and Hannah with your preferred time/date